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Albany, New York

City with a population of 97,856 as of the 2010 Census. State capital and county seat of Albany County. The area was originally settled by Iroquois and Mohicans, who called it Sche-negh-ta-da and Pem-po-tu-wuth-ut, respectively. In 1540 French traders built a fort here that was soon abandoned. Henry Hudson visited the area in 1609 and the Dutch rebuilt the French fort in 1614 as Fort Nassau, named for the Dutch ruling house of Orange-Nassau. The surrounding areas of settlement were incorporated as the village of Bevenwyck in 1652.

When the English were ceded the land in 1664, the name was changed to Albany after the Duke of Albany, the Scottish title of the Duke of York, the eventual James II. It was chartered as a municipality in 1686. The Albany Congress met here in 1754 and endorsed Benjamin Franklin's Albany Plan to unite the 13 colonies. The political rivalry between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton was born here in the late 18th century. In 1797 the state capital was permanently moved here. Its location on the Hudson, especially after the construction of the Erie Canal, made the city a transportation hub.

Recent city comments:

  • Empire State Plaza Concourse, stewart scholl (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    I was recently in Albany and spent time at the plaza , having been away from it for since the mid 1970s . It has been just 35 years since Rocky and his rock pilers did such a nice setting in Albany and already it is beginning to show signs of bad judgment in it's construction . With that chain fence that you have put up , this is a indication of what may lay ahead . I think the engineers did not consider that Stones taken from Italy in a different climate would hold up to the bitter winters of Albany. I think you should consider what you are going to do if the marble on the higher building starts shattering . At the base areas it already is splitting , Whether that stone at the base areas is the same as other stones I can not say . Love the setting there , my family goes back to the revolution in that area .
  • Rapp Road Landfill, emu5088 (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    We like to call it Mount Jennings
  • Beverwyck Park, Jess (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    Is beverwyck park part of the college?
  • Central Warehouse, elbarto90se wrote 14 years ago:
    The fire started on Friday Oct 22 on one of the upper floors. The Albany Fire Department is not letting firefighters enter the building due to safety concerns, they are planning to let the fire burn itself out.
  • Central Warehouse, sturmovik wrote 14 years ago:
    Currently on fire and expected to burn for 3 days.
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